Where did we come from?

Where we came from and where we are going will soon be revealed!


Feeling "stressed" out? What is stress? Can we have a stress-free life?

Another Earth

Soon we will all unify and see another earth...

Young at heart

Never stop believing you are young!


Have you been unfaithful or has someone been unfaithful to you?


Happy New Year!!!

This year has finally come to an end. We are now ready to receive a new year and begin a journey into the year of 2013. Although we had our share of ups and downs, we still made it. After all the struggles and all the pain and all the battles, we ended up victorious. Every challenge and every tough situation was in some way or another taken care of. It is time to reap what we sowed. To be close to our loved ones and to appreciate the opportunity of life…

     A new beginning awaits us. The time to choose the right path. A time to rise and make our dreams a reality. To understand the importance of family and to unite one another in peace. To believe in something and to be the best we can be.   To get closer to understanding love and not only understanding it, but accepting it and most important, enjoying it…

     Grab hold of true love and never let go. True love is real, real love is forever and forever is love…

                                        Happy New Year!!!!

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