Where did we come from? Where are we headed? Sometimes we question our existence. Is it mere coincidence that we’re alive ?Was it “luck”? Or could it be possible that somehow we were chosen to come to earth.
Many people have many beliefs. Who is right? Who is wrong? I believe we know what was taught to us. So when someone else tells us any different we automatically think they are wrong. Naturally. If all your life you were taught to take your shoes off in your home and someone for the first time came into your house with shoes on, you would automatically see it as wrong or non-customary. Basically everybody sees everybody else’s beliefs, if they do not concur with their own, as wrong.
What I do know is that we are winners. We won the race! We are not quitters. When we were swimming as sperm to fertilize the egg, we beat out millions. Why that happened, will soon be discovered and we have a life time to continue on and win this life. Also, always remember that you will be remembered by many. How you are remembered is up to you…
Some how we impact people. Mainly our family and people who are close to us. The importance of being alive is not to know were we came from or where we are going, but instead of what are we going to do with our life. What kind of person are we going to be and what impact are we going to cause in people around us. The answer to where you came from and where you are going lies in you. We know what is right and what is wrong. So if we follow righteousness, our purpose in this lifetime shall reveal itself and ultimately lead to our own great history. The history we started when we came into this world. So this is not new to us, we were meant for greatness, so this we already new...
Pretty deep stuff man, oddly enough, I was just talking to a coworker about this yesterday. Imagine if we were the 2nd fastest swimmer, what would "you" be like if it was another sperm who won the race.. Pretty trippy.
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