

Can we ever understand them? Why is it that we’re so close yet so far? A mystery lies within each woman and it seems as if we were meant to unravel  it. Or at least try. Their beauty, their warmth and their sensitivity attract us. Their gentleness and of course their cooking, win us over.  They posses something that in a way completes us just as we posses something that completes them. There is more to a woman than we can imagine. Their complexity keeps us searching for the right answers and their unconditional love is what will overcome any adversity...

     The ability to carry a child  and become a mother is something that at times can be taken for granted or forgotten. So special and intriguing that all men should be thankful. You carried us and brought us into this world. Thank you! How  would I be here without my mother? Impossible…

   Speaking freely, I believe women are princesses and it  ultimately comes down to each and every one of them to become queens. I’m pretty sure just as I am looking for a queen, they are looking for their king…

     No longer left behind in education. In 21 out of the 27 OECD countries with comparable data, women are graduating from university level  programs at the same rate if not more than men, and at 15, girls tend to show higher expectation for their careers than boys of same age. We are strong but they are strong with us. Unity always strengthens. Appreciation for women, appreciation for men and appreciation for life should always be  present. Without one of these ingredients we would not be here. Perhaps we will never understand them but if we can understand the blessing that comes with them, then we will know what we once knew...


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