Is it real? I can understand they have to have a name for every thing, but stress? Every time we are feeling down, tired, worried and all those negative emotions we tend to say we are stressed. So what is stress?
Stress is a word that’s been around for a long time. It describes a negative concept that can impact mental and physical health, BUT, is unclear exactly what defines it and whether or not it’s a cause, effect or the process in between that connects both. Before it was attached to refer to external factors that disrupt HOMEOSTASIS. In 1926, doctor Walter Cannon used this term,” stress” to describe external factors that disrupt the organisms optimal condition, which he called homeostasis. Basically stress would take away and disrupt our optimal state of being. Prior to 1920, the word didn't have its contemporary connotation. It’s a form of Middle English destresse, derived from Latin word stringere, or to draw tight. It had been in use in physics to describe internal distribution of a force exerted on a material body, which resulted in strain. In the 1920’s and in the 1930’s it was occasionally used among biological and psychological groups to describe a harmful environmental agent that could cause illness. Basically, it was believed since then, that stress could potentially make us sick...
The power of being stress free is obtainable! Why believe in a word so much as to make it real. Instead of believing in a negative word, believe in a positive word. Yeah you’re getting off a long day at work or just been busy all day, feeling what? “STRESSED”. Why not say I’m HAPPY. Not only say it but believe it. Just like you believed in stress, now you can believe in any condition you want to be in…
So easy to believe in the negative, yet so difficult to believe what is real. Positive emotions and feelings lead to a stress-free environment. If we go back, and really think of the times when we were young, we were living in a stress-free environment, or so it felt like it to us. The reason being, was because we believed in the positive, maybe even on a subconscious level. In turn, obviously leading to a happy state of mind. Now that we have full understanding and know how to focus our energy and concentration, It shall become easier to obtain what we all want, to be stress–free. If you can believe how you once believed, than all this will not be so new. Therefore, this we already new...
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