Where did we come from?

Where we came from and where we are going will soon be revealed!


Feeling "stressed" out? What is stress? Can we have a stress-free life?

Another Earth

Soon we will all unify and see another earth...

Young at heart

Never stop believing you are young!


Have you been unfaithful or has someone been unfaithful to you?



Could we live with out it? Probably not, at least not now a days. However people did back in time. Money has become an issue rather than a solution. Economy is at a low level all across the world yet the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This may sound like a shot at the wealthy but believe me when I say that this is a shot only to those that abuse their employees by conspiring to pay as little as possible to generate as much as possible…

     I guess by this time you must be thinking that this is how it is and fact of the matter is that you are right. If we really think about it, someone that earns 500 dollars per week and gives 5 dollars to a homeless every week, he or she is giving 1% of earnings per week. It wouldn't even make a dent on your wallet. So for a large corporation that generates 1 million dollars a week, why is it so hard to dish out 1% for anything? That would be 10,000 dollars. Lets not talk about the Billion dollar companies. Imagine those 10,000 dollars bumping up to 100,000 dollars. How many people could be helped by this kind of “donation” on a weekly basis? Instead, an executive goes out and buys another yacht…

     Sad but true, I guess people forgot how to be human. Now their life functions as a machine which uses money to operate. Having the power to help and not doing it, is not only something you have to live with, but also something everyone will know…

     Money can make situations easier. Money can make situations harder. Money is all around us. Money is very well kept. Money is a treasure. Money makes us happy. Money causes pain. Money is a friend. Money is our worst enemy. Money is a help. Money hurts. Money is this and money is that, but only a true hand will know what to do with that. Great opportunity awaits for a stronger civilization. Don’t do tomorrow what you can do today! The greater we are as a unit the stronger we become, helping one another and never looking back. Its time to be a team and start generating wins. News not so new…

My pick for NFL football week 4 is: New England Patriots over the Buffalo Bills. Make money



Can we ever understand them? Why is it that we’re so close yet so far? A mystery lies within each woman and it seems as if we were meant to unravel  it. Or at least try. Their beauty, their warmth and their sensitivity attract us. Their gentleness and of course their cooking, win us over.  They posses something that in a way completes us just as we posses something that completes them. There is more to a woman than we can imagine. Their complexity keeps us searching for the right answers and their unconditional love is what will overcome any adversity...

     The ability to carry a child  and become a mother is something that at times can be taken for granted or forgotten. So special and intriguing that all men should be thankful. You carried us and brought us into this world. Thank you! How  would I be here without my mother? Impossible…

   Speaking freely, I believe women are princesses and it  ultimately comes down to each and every one of them to become queens. I’m pretty sure just as I am looking for a queen, they are looking for their king…

     No longer left behind in education. In 21 out of the 27 OECD countries with comparable data, women are graduating from university level  programs at the same rate if not more than men, and at 15, girls tend to show higher expectation for their careers than boys of same age. We are strong but they are strong with us. Unity always strengthens. Appreciation for women, appreciation for men and appreciation for life should always be  present. Without one of these ingredients we would not be here. Perhaps we will never understand them but if we can understand the blessing that comes with them, then we will know what we once knew...



Hope is the emotional state that promotes belief in a positive outcome pertaining to circumstances in our life. According to psychologists hope is cultivated when there is a goal in mind and we have determination to finish this goal. Not only determination but also a plan on how to obtain it…

     Hope can be present in our life and for that matter it should be. While there is life, there is hope., and if there is hope, there is a will and if there’s a will, there is a way. Charles Snyder, Ph.D determined that hope is the sum of mental willpower and waypower that we posses for our goals.  Defining willpower as the driving force in hopeful thinking and waypower as reflecting mental plans or road maps that guide hopeful thought. Basically hope is the outline to accomplishing a goal, if and when we can implement both willpower and waypower…

     In matters that we have given up hope, more likely than not, we haven’t obtained  our goal. Be it in the business, financial or love world. We essentially gave up on a certain dream because time that we were not counting on elapsed and all hope was lost. Regaining hope on certain circumstances requires us to focus and understand that time will pass and will never stop. Thats why the phrase comes to mind, “patience is a virtue”, very true…

     Before you consider to stop hoping for an outcome in a current situation, think of the importance of this matter. Can you live your life knowing you gave up hope on something or someone? Spark the light on hope and find the willpower and waypower to see it through. Just as before when, ”we did it!”, We can do it now, so this we already knew... 


Learning From Relationships

Why is it that we come across people? What outcome comes from different associations? As time’s gone by I’ve understood that each and every contact is important. The importance being that we can learn from everyone…
     Learning, after all is not compulsory it is contextual. So we are not forced to learn but rather it depends on us what we want to learn. At times we get caught up in our own knowledge or our own customs that we forget that we are able to learn from everyone. It is sad on occasions when someone forgets who you are and most importantly who they are. They get to a stage where learning is not part of them. At the end making a disconnection. Sometimes peacefully and sometimes rudely…

     Meeting someone or playing a role in someone ‘s life is a gift. Many people take the gift of relationships for granted. Hard to touch topic, but why is it that when someone passes away, people are so moved that they send a huge floral arrangement but during life never ever showed up for a simple chat? Why wait till I’m dead to bring flowers, I guarantee I wouldn’t enjoy them as much as if I were alive..Don’t wait till tomorrow to do what you can do today. Something to think about...

     Finally, we can break through barriers if we join in the race to learn from one another. To find and to be found. So many types of peoples, so many personalities so many intriguing new adventures to be lived. Never stop learning because we never stop growing. Just how we did before, all the knowledge we’ve gained, all the people we’ve met and all our great experiences, can continue on if we continue to learn. That’s why this we already knew...


Where did we come from?

Where did we come from? Where are we headed? Sometimes we question our existence. Is it mere coincidence that we’re alive ?Was it “luck”? Or could it be possible that somehow we were chosen to come to earth.
     Many people have many beliefs. Who is right? Who is wrong? I believe we know what was taught to us. So when someone else tells us any different we automatically think they are wrong. Naturally. If all your life you were taught to take your shoes off in your home and someone for the first time came into your house with shoes on, you would automatically see it as wrong or non-customary. Basically everybody sees everybody else’s beliefs, if they do not concur with their own, as wrong.

     What I do know is that we are winners. We won the race! We are not quitters. When we were swimming as sperm to fertilize the egg, we beat out millions. Why that happened, will soon be discovered and we have a life time to continue on and win this life. Also, always remember that you will be remembered by many. How you are remembered is up to you…

     Some how we impact people. Mainly our family and people who are close to us. The importance of being alive is not to know were we came from or where we are going, but instead of what are we going to do with our life. What kind of person are we going to be and what impact are we going to cause in people around us. The answer to where you came from and where you are going lies in you. We know what is right and what is wrong. So if we follow righteousness, our purpose in this lifetime shall reveal itself and ultimately lead to our own great history. The history we started when we came into this world. So this is not new to us, we were meant for greatness, so this we already new...    



Is it real? I can understand they have to have a name for every thing, but stress? Every time we are feeling down, tired, worried and all those negative emotions we tend to say we are stressed. So what is stress?
     Stress is a word that’s been around for a long time. It describes a negative concept that can impact mental and physical health, BUT, is unclear exactly  what defines it and whether or not it’s a cause, effect or the process in between that connects both. Before it was attached to refer to external factors that disrupt HOMEOSTASIS. In 1926, doctor Walter Cannon used this term,” stress” to describe external factors that disrupt the organisms optimal condition, which he called homeostasis. Basically stress would take away and disrupt our optimal state of being. Prior to 1920, the word didn't have its contemporary connotation. It’s a form of Middle English destresse, derived from Latin word stringere, or to draw tight. It had been in use in physics to describe internal distribution of a force exerted on a material body, which resulted in strain.  In the 1920’s and in the 1930’s it was occasionally used among biological and psychological groups to describe a harmful environmental agent that could cause illness. Basically, it was believed since then, that stress could potentially make us sick...

     The power of being stress free is obtainable! Why believe in a word so much as to make it real. Instead of believing in a negative word, believe in a positive word. Yeah you’re getting off a long day at work or just been busy all day, feeling what? “STRESSED”. Why not say I’m HAPPY. Not only say it but believe it. Just like you believed in stress, now you can believe in any condition you want to be in…

     So easy to believe in the negative, yet so difficult to believe what is real. Positive emotions and feelings lead to a stress-free environment. If we go back, and really think of the times when we were young, we were living in a stress-free environment, or so it felt like it to us. The reason being, was because we believed in the positive, maybe even on a subconscious level. In turn, obviously leading to a happy state of mind. Now that we have full understanding and know how to focus our energy and concentration, It shall become easier to obtain what we all want, to be stress–free. If you can believe how you once believed, than all this will not be so new. Therefore, this we already new...


Another Earth

Not  So New,  SO  in current events, I am flabbergasted to see how we are beginning to view the world… those who want to believe that the end is coming in the form of destruction, are creating havoc, just for the reason that blows my mind, unappreciation of LIFE.  So they don't see the beauty that surrounds each individual.  Never the less, that will be what ends...HATE.  I know it and you know it...

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     We will unite as one… that is what I see now, each one of my brothers and sisters enjoying LOVE at its most perfect form.  Whether it is through art, music, sports, WRITING… What an amazing reality to know that we are here to help one another, love each other to be able to understand that we are part of this wonderful universe.  Seems surreal, I am speechless  in amazement, that the time for the true revolution, is commencing, and we want freedom, our minds long for the TRUTH. 

     I am reading through reports, it all indicates that  mental slavery has been abolished.  Our government officials, Kings and Queens, Sultans, and leaders of the world are unifying their people with aid, that before was not provided in this rich manner.  I see the time nearing where everyone will enjoy abundance, and though it will be beautiful, good fortune and long life will accompany those who administrated wisely… WE WILL.

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     So I tell you who lurks in the night, darkness has never been so bright, we are not afraid, we have filled ourselves with power, and “I am The Wisest”, we shout each one of us in your deaf ears, we are focused in obtaining the GOLD...our team is the REAL DREAM.  I know this may have a familiar sound...all is well.  It has been announced.  Reporting News not so new, I know this too, we already knew. 


Young at Heart

What do you think about age? It seems the older we get, the less  we think about it. Is it because we are scared to even think of the possibility of becoming “old”?  Or because now we can understand that age is really just a number . Of coarse, speaking of only those that have developed into a full  mature adulthood. Sure, our appearance may age, thus making us older but internally we are who we’ve always been…

     Why not grab hold of that and always be young? Is it really that hard to stay young and be  happy all the time? Young happy… Why do we embrace getting old, instead of embracing youth. Our organism is not a weak one. At all. If we can treat our body well by having a good diet, exercising regularly and most importantly being young and happy, youth will be our friend....
Being in a happy state of mind all the time can be a challenge due to situations that may arise. If we can keep our heads up and transmit our positive aura, even in those hard times we will be lifted. Not only will we contribute to our wellness , but will contribute to help others.  Happiness, its contagious, so lets pass it around. We can do it!

     You can look, you can feel and you can be whoever you want to be. Let it all go.  Embrace anew project , embrace a new goal. The knowledge and wisdom we’ve acquired will be our guide. Frankie said it once before, ”fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you”, “if your young at heart.”  Youth is not passing us by. Youth is coming to be by our side.. We were young, we are young, this we already knew...



Have you ever been unfaithful or has someone been unfaithful to you? There is always two sides of the story, it seems. Example: If we speak to someone who’s been unfaithful to their spouse or partner, they may say they were lonely or they were having issues with their partner. If we spoke to the party who was on the opposite end, they may say  that they don't know why their loved one would cheat.
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     So who is wrong? I think we all would be quick to judge and point out the “cheater”, right?  There is more to this than the naked eye could see. So deep , leading to a question: Did this happen so we could understand something? To realize something? To learn something? Yes, yes, yes.
     Immense feelings and emotions are involved and this is not an easy situation. In order to come out and continue on, we must take the teaching behind it. For the one who was unfaithful: Learn to be single until you are able to commit, but most importantly know the pain and anguish someone who loved you felt, and never repeat it. For the counterpart; Learn it is not the end but the beginning. Learn you are self sufficient and aspire for who you truly deserve. That person that fills your eyes, nothing more nothing less.

     Sometimes we get caught up in difficult situations in our romantic relationships. However, some way or another we end up in the clear. Just as the storm passes there will be calmness and the sun will shine again. After all, we already knew.  

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