Where did we come from?

Where we came from and where we are going will soon be revealed!


Feeling "stressed" out? What is stress? Can we have a stress-free life?

Another Earth

Soon we will all unify and see another earth...

Young at heart

Never stop believing you are young!


Have you been unfaithful or has someone been unfaithful to you?



My father always said, “ the lazy always work double”.  A very simple saying that has an immense  deal of knowledge. Its strange that if you tell this to someone , their reply would be, “are you calling me lazy?”. At this point and time, we think to ourselves, duh, yes! Naturally we say no, and just forget about it. If it clicks, let it click, and if not, well, too bad…

     Thankfully, I learned at a young age, making my life a lot easier. Who wants to work double? Right? Many people. Its hard to understand but this is reality. I’ve caught myself skipping through an instructional, wanting to finish some sort of project faster. After all that time spent , I end up having to go back and read everything and basically doing it twice. Going back to the simple phrase. I guess this would be far from those that decide to do the least as possible because they just rather not. Sad. I’ve visited homes where basically everything is laying out, clothes, trash, food I mean everything. Just dirty. Why? Is it because they just like to live dirty? I believe it all comes down to who is lazy and who is not. My father also told me, “if you’re going to do something, do it right” I believe we’ve all heard this, maybe  in a different way, but  its been part of our life somehow.

     Let it not be contagious and deliver yourself from those who are infected. Give them the antivirus, and let them decide if they want to be healed. If not, good bye, you don't want to catch it. All this, you already knew.


Achieve Your Goals

Its another day, and its another opportunity to obtain or get closer to obtaining our goals.  What are our goals? How long before we see these become realities? They say," there’s a time and a place for everything",  well I say , the time is now and the place is here…

     When goals haven’t been reached by a certain age, we become trapped in the idea that by this time, that particular goal should have been materialized. We go into the negative part of   the scenario. This in turn affecting us as individuals and ultimately never allowing ourselves to finish the race.

     If we could get over the fact that we had set goals for a certain age and here we are passed it, we can then re-establish that goal or  commence a new one. This time around focusing on completing the new task at hand and learning from the experience of  not being able to be where you originally intended to. “ Fool me once, shame on you,  fool me twice, shame on me!”   Just came into mind, I don't know why…

     We reap what we sow, so true. Your effort, persistence  and most importantly your CONSTANT POSITIVE STATE OF MIND, will ultimately be the key you need to unlock that door and walk straight through it. Never forget the positive part. That’s what makes us or breaks us. When we first started to walk, we fell and fell and fell. We did, but then we got up again. We prevailed. So this, I believe, we already knew...



Have you ever felt you hit bottom and every door you want to walk through, some way or another, seems to be shut? Why is it that we find ourselves in situations like these? How will we find our way out? To be honest, sometimes we don't understand why we have to go through tough times.  Who wants that?

     Well, the answer is no one . The importance of a bad experience, is the good knowledge we will acquire from it. I know it seems so easy to say it when everything is OK or already passed. However, I figure there is a greater purpose for those bad times. Sounds silly, but through these times is when we must be the most positive. Even after a horrible day, or week, or month, or year, never forget to be grateful for life, health and family. If we keep on fighting, never look back and never give up, victory shall be ours…

     Remember the time you were young? That situation  you felt you couldn't overcome? Eventually we came out alive but through the process we injured ourselves. By injuries, I mean the stress, the sadness, the guilt and basically all those negative emotions that damage our mental and physical well being.

     With that being said, if you are going through a bad time in your life, let it all go. Let all that negativity fade away and replace it with absolutely nothing but positive and good. Don't hurt yourself with all those negative emotions. Instead, start to fight and never stop. Remember that this, you already knew...



Self examination is something not a lot of people think about. Not physically, but personality wise. It is human nature to evaluate other personalities but not our own.  The reason for this, is that it is easier to see a defect or a flaw in someone else rather than  oneself…

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     Have you ever been around someone you thought was completely annoying? I think I know the answer to that. Do you think they know this about themselves? The answer is no.  Who wants to be a jerk or an a**hole (annoying) ? Have you noticed that when we point it out to that person, all they do is get offended and upset. This eventually turning them against you. I believe this being the result of a lack of willingness to self examine, and to become their own personality critic. How can we say this to people? I guess we really can’t. A famous phrase comes to mind, "monkey see, monkey do”.

     If we start by being our own personal critic, what can anybody say? They can just ask, right? Why are you such a great person? Self-examination! The rest wont be on you or me, but will lie directly under their own power to make the decision of joining the personal critic club. After all, we already know what annoying is, so why be part of the annoying club. This may come as news, but really, we already knew…


Marriage is such a difficult state. Mainly because it consists of two individuals. “Two different worlds”, as they say. A state consisting of many feelings and emotions. This in itself being perhaps the most difficult task any two individuals can take on…
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               Sometimes I wonder why there are so many cases of infidelity and divorce. How can this occur? If when this couple decided to tie the knot, there was so much respect, sincerity and most importantly, love. Or was there? Love being the keyword here. Can someone fall out of love just as easy as falling in love? I guess the answer for everyone would be yes. More than falling out of love, I think people in general are always looking for something else, something they don't presently have. In other words, people get bored…
What about the couples that grow old together? You might ask. In these  scenarios, I believe circumstances have a lot to do with it. Of course never denying the possibility of true love. The love that all prevails. We are always looking for that person that is going to love us unconditionally. When  we find them, more likely than not, we end up marrying them. Never thinking about our part. Are we going to love them unconditionally too? Something to think about. Love is a two way street, but sometimes we get caught up only going one way. Life is too short and it is never too late. This, we already knew.


Figuring out certain emotions is hard and at times, for certain people, impossible… Now, trying to understand love, perhaps the most important and sensitive emotion, can become a lifelong equation. An equation that requires different kind of strategies  and problem solving abilities…

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     How intelligent are you? I’ve  asked myself this question many times before.  Always ending up with the same answer, I am only intelligent because there is life in me. My intelligence can’t be compared to life, creation, creator. Much knowledge  in a couple of words. Love  is a question  and we are all searching for the answer. We all have options and our own strategies ,but if we know that love is good, then nothing should feel bad. Analyze and think, right? Before we can start to actually understand, we must make sure that our interpretation of love is nothing but good. If not, reconsider  and relieve yourself from the false and fake impostor gaining the best from you . Youth, beauty, liberty and most important, love…

     There is always an answer to every question, a solution to every problem. Direct your love towards no one , except the deserving. Once we can achieve this, we will have known, what we already knew.



Many of us have experienced betrayal. Maybe even been an accessory to it at one point without even intending to. Anyhow, it’s human nature to feel disappointed or even outraged when a developed trust is suddenly broken into pieces and at the same time your heart is also broken. Betrayal..

     At this point and time, automatically your brain works and sends images or memories of a betrayal. Why? Because you have not been able to first of all, forgive, but most importantly, to forget. I’ve heard comments making reference to chains holding us down. Metaphorically speaking of course. Placing the pieces together, chains would be considered to be betrayals or moments in your life that you hold some sort of grudge towards. Basically an occasion of disappointment..

     Get the news today. True happiness awaits. Let go of the past, forgive and forget, after all ,what good can come from bad? Right?  Deliver yourself from those chains that tie you down  and run towards your goal without looking back. It’s not the race that counts, but rather the victor. All this, I think, we already knew.


Everybody is looking for something. That something happens to be something they don't presently have. Some look for riches, some look for wisdom, and some search for love…
      After much thought and analysis, I’ve considered the possibility that love, wealth, and wisdom, all come from a same source. The energy that is involved in you, experiencing or having any of the three, is energy coming directly from the source, your source. Example: when we experience any of them, we feel a sense of accomplishment, even if we are lacking a part of the complete package. Maybe you are rich but currently don't have that person in your life that fills your eyes. Opposite, might be desperately in love, with the love of your life, yet can’t afford to shower the money tree. Furthermore, some find themselves in an all around the clock job, that’s basically eliminating the possibility of obtaining a college degree, due to must live first rule. Families and mortgages, and everyday living expenses. All that, falling under wisdom and knowledge.

     So know the news, now. If you are experiencing one of them, you have already established a connection or link to the source. Therefore, the possibility of obtaining all three is closer than you think. Stop searching and start living, always try to establish the best of connection directly to the source. Think and then think some more, this we already knew…

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