

Many of us have experienced betrayal. Maybe even been an accessory to it at one point without even intending to. Anyhow, it’s human nature to feel disappointed or even outraged when a developed trust is suddenly broken into pieces and at the same time your heart is also broken. Betrayal..

     At this point and time, automatically your brain works and sends images or memories of a betrayal. Why? Because you have not been able to first of all, forgive, but most importantly, to forget. I’ve heard comments making reference to chains holding us down. Metaphorically speaking of course. Placing the pieces together, chains would be considered to be betrayals or moments in your life that you hold some sort of grudge towards. Basically an occasion of disappointment..

     Get the news today. True happiness awaits. Let go of the past, forgive and forget, after all ,what good can come from bad? Right?  Deliver yourself from those chains that tie you down  and run towards your goal without looking back. It’s not the race that counts, but rather the victor. All this, I think, we already knew.


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