

Figuring out certain emotions is hard and at times, for certain people, impossible… Now, trying to understand love, perhaps the most important and sensitive emotion, can become a lifelong equation. An equation that requires different kind of strategies  and problem solving abilities…

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     How intelligent are you? I’ve  asked myself this question many times before.  Always ending up with the same answer, I am only intelligent because there is life in me. My intelligence can’t be compared to life, creation, creator. Much knowledge  in a couple of words. Love  is a question  and we are all searching for the answer. We all have options and our own strategies ,but if we know that love is good, then nothing should feel bad. Analyze and think, right? Before we can start to actually understand, we must make sure that our interpretation of love is nothing but good. If not, reconsider  and relieve yourself from the false and fake impostor gaining the best from you . Youth, beauty, liberty and most important, love…

     There is always an answer to every question, a solution to every problem. Direct your love towards no one , except the deserving. Once we can achieve this, we will have known, what we already knew.


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