
Achieve Your Goals

Its another day, and its another opportunity to obtain or get closer to obtaining our goals.  What are our goals? How long before we see these become realities? They say," there’s a time and a place for everything",  well I say , the time is now and the place is here…

     When goals haven’t been reached by a certain age, we become trapped in the idea that by this time, that particular goal should have been materialized. We go into the negative part of   the scenario. This in turn affecting us as individuals and ultimately never allowing ourselves to finish the race.

     If we could get over the fact that we had set goals for a certain age and here we are passed it, we can then re-establish that goal or  commence a new one. This time around focusing on completing the new task at hand and learning from the experience of  not being able to be where you originally intended to. “ Fool me once, shame on you,  fool me twice, shame on me!”   Just came into mind, I don't know why…

     We reap what we sow, so true. Your effort, persistence  and most importantly your CONSTANT POSITIVE STATE OF MIND, will ultimately be the key you need to unlock that door and walk straight through it. Never forget the positive part. That’s what makes us or breaks us. When we first started to walk, we fell and fell and fell. We did, but then we got up again. We prevailed. So this, I believe, we already knew...


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